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BME Design Studio

The BME Design Studio is open 24/7 to all BME students through final exams. During summer break, the Design Studio will be open during business hours only.

Students must continue to follow current University guidelines for safety.

The BME Design Studio provides the space and resources for undergraduate and graduate students in biomedical engineering to brainstorm, design, prototype, build, and test solutions to real-world clinical and global health challenges.

Any BME student who has completed the required safety training may request access to the Design Studio. This includes undergraduate students as well as graduate students in BME, the CBID master’s program, and the Engineering for Professionals program.

Safety training MUST be completed before entering the BME Design Studio, and J-card access is required to enter all parts of the facility. BME students will gain access in their first semester as part of the Freshmen Modeling & Design course. Other students may request access through Tom Benassi. Anyone involved in for-profit or non-profit organizations outside of JHU may not use the facility

For availability, please see the Design Studio schedules.

A blue print of the Design Studio shows the layout of the different rooms.

Read the Johns Hopkins University privacy statement here.
