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Team Members:
  • Margaret Jukes
  • Nikhil Murty
  • Kalyn Younger
  • Valerie Zawicki
  • Scott Paul, MD
  • Brian Morris
  • Elizabeth Russo


Conditions involving the central nervous system can result in movement disorders that causeimpairments such as involuntary muscle spasms and other unwanted movements. In children,cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common conditions that result in movement disorders.The deficits in coordination of motor control prevent the normal acquisition of motor skills duringcritical periods of development in childhood. Fine motor control is a crucial component forlearning the skills needed for self-care and other activities of daily living.  Motor learningrequires frequent, correct repetition. We believe in using game therapy to augment the time thatchildren spend with rehabilitation professionals, enabling their further improvement in theabsence of the therapist’s absence. Current solutions focused on reducing impairments in earlyfine motor development do not explore the use of games in assisting routine clinical therapysessions. Children ages 3-5 with upper-limb motor dysfunction who have difficulty with finemotor control of their fingers need an at home method to help reduce motor impairments inisolating finger movements. Our team developed a game-based, biofeedback system to engageyoung children to perform the frequency of repetitive motor training necessary to reduce theirfine motor impairments.

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