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Levchenko paper highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology

August 3, 2010

Nature Nanotechnology not only published Andre Levchenko’s paper, “Subcellular-resolution delivery of a cytokine through precisely manipulated nanowires,” but also gave it a shout-out in the “News and Views” column titled “Nanobiotechnology: Nanowires have cells in their sights” as an example of nanotechnology that is allowing biological processes to be studied in greater detail.

The work of the Levchenko lab in collaboration with Chien and Cammarata labs published in and featured on the cover of Nature Nanotechnology reveals unprecedented precision of the controlled delivery of cytokines and, potentially, many other biologically active substances to individual cells or pre-selected subcellular regions. The researchers combined experimental manipulation and mathematical modeling to show the consequences of such delivery, using the example of the TNF stimulated cell signaling.

Category: Research

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